Hệ thống báo cháy không dây TCFIRE - TIANCHENG

Thứ hai - 15/07/2024 01:11 239 0
Trung Tâm Báo Cháy Không Dây JB-TB-TC5126WMã sản phẩm: JB-TB-TC5126W
Trung Tâm Báo Cháy Không Dây JB-TB-TC5126W
Trung Tâm Báo Cháy Không Dây JB-TB-TC5126W
  • JB-TB-TC5126W Wireless Fire Alarm Control Panel typical configuration includes: main control panel, loop control panel, direct control panel, power
    supply, etc. The control panel is small in size, convenient to install and simple to operate, and is widely used in fire fighting engineering.The fire alarm control system can be widely used in small-scale fire fighting projects such as high-grade office buildings, residential quarters, department stores, gymnasiums, libraries, supermarkets, hotels,

  • CHIA SẺ:

Technical Data

All data is supplied subject to change without notice.

Specifications are typical at 24V, 25℃ and 50% RH unless otherwise stated.

Main Power Supply AC220V(3.5A),
lead-acid battery 12V/3.3Ah*2
Capacity 2 wireless loops
64 points/loop

40 network segments

Radio frequency
Frequency band
Communication distance
Operating environment
transmit power<20dBm
temperature 10℃~+55℃
relative humidity ≤95%
360mm*130mm *480mm

With the new generation of high-speed processors, compared with the traditional technology, the data processing speed is faster and the data storage capacity is larger. Networking with other fire alarm control panel through CAN System operation history recording function: fire alarm history, linkage history, fault history and other history each have a capacity of 1000.

Tác giả: Vien Nam Tech

Tổng số điểm của bài viết là: 5 trong 1 đánh giá

Xếp hạng: 5 - 1 phiếu bầu

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